This Codex serves as a guide for our team and promotes a positive and appreciative corporate culture in which everyone is respected and supported.
We are a team. We all check in via Slack #allgemoin when we start work, so the team knows: I am there. During the course of the day, we maintain our status in Slack. That way, everyone knows if we are currently available. On Slack, we respond as promptly as possible.
We take care of ourselves. This means that we do not lose sight of our physical and mental health and that of our colleagues in a respectful way. If we are not feeling well, we address this, cure ourselves and if we are on vacation, we send a nice photo at most.
We work future-oriented. This means project changes are part of a necessary knowledge exchange. We try to respect the project preferences and goals of all colleagues.
Discrimination is far from us, especially on the basis of language, origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or political orientation, as long as the latter is on a democratic and constitutional basis. At Whiskey Tango Foxtrot we want to let everyone develop their personality equally and freely.
Every question is valuable. Any:r may ask any:n anything. If I can't help myself, I try to find someone who can. We share answers that may be valuable to other colleagues. #devtalk #education (team channel).
We assume good. For us, the following applies: Each:r gives his:her best. From Junior to Senior or whether Tech, Creative, Management, Office or Consultant - We give individual constructive feedback. We encourage regular professional exchange.
Our customers are our partners. We work transparently, with understanding, respecting the valuable resources of the other party. The partnership is always created together.
If we have a desire for more and more regular exchange, we can request this at any time from our supervisor. Die Kalender aller Kolleg:innen sind frei einsehbar und für dringende Themen ist immer Zeit.
We have colleagues working different hours, in different locations. We strive to have a focus work time in the afternoon and therefore set meetings in the morning if possible when considering work hours and locations. To ensure a smooth process, we maintain calendars and communicate our work schedules transparently.
When we post meetings, they always have a description or agenda that briefly describes what the goal of the meeting is. We want to provide valuable input when prepared or provide feedback to schedule coordinators if their own participation seems inefficient.
We treat each other with respect and let each other finish what we have to say. If a colleague wants to comment on something, we get in touch - also digitally and especially in larger groups. The moderator of the meeting makes sure that everyone can participate. If the organizer has been notified in advance, we will quote the proportion of female speakers without discussion, for example.
Meetings in the form of team events are organized so that as many of our colleagues as possible can take part.
A healthy work atmosphere also includes fun & emotions. We are honest with each other, communicate respectfully and also take time to get to know each other.